
Mankind is capable of imagination, with which we can pose questions about our surroundings. We lay down these images in drawings and forms, which are used in art, science and religion. The meaning and the use of numbers and geometrical forms have remain practically the same during the last centuries. That development is therefore so special. The insights concerned are not only based on exterior features of our surroundings, such as nature, but also our own intuition. The circle and the spiral is much seen in nature, but the square, the pentagon, the hexabon and the dodecagon much less. Yet we experience in these forms a certain ordre and beauty and have filled our environment with it. In various symbols the creation of the universe is represented according to geometrical and harmonious principles.

With words we describe images, which arise in our thoughts and we are able to share these images with orhters, so that they touch the soul and the emotions. Numbers have their own language, their own images, which are visually translated to forms and principles and which on their part grow to symbols, such as the Spiral. This ‘language of forms’, this figurative language, is part of a archetypical inner knowledge, which is logic as well as intuitive and appeals to ones imagination. Each form and each geometrical pattern is as a word in a language. They each have their own meaning, but the overtone and power emerge only from the repeating relations and the dynamic patterns, which arise as a ordered form. Whoever understands this timeless language of forms and patterns, will notice that the reading and living with this language is enriching.

Symbols are fundamentally important for our consciousness and our thoughts. They are vital codes which we need to share our experiences with others, so that they can see what we see and can feel how we feel. Symbols are bound up with our inner and outer worlds, and tie our thoughts and our 'reality', in the way we experience it. Symbols go further than the limitations of their physical representation; they concern deeper truths.To be able to understand those, we have to use our intuition, because symbols give us insights which lie on the basis of our creativity. By this creativity we can evolve and are able to look beyond the bounderies of the physical, the logical and the rational. Symbols however 'speak' to our hearts and our souls; they completely lead a life of their own.

Geometry refers to mathematical rules and codes, which form the blueprint of the Universe. It arose from the insights of mankind about the ordre, which is the foundation of reality.. The forms, which we call the square, the circle, the triangle and the spiral, all belong to the geometry. We intuitively recognise them as archetypes and use them as symbols and tools directly connected to their structural goal. Geometry is therefore bound up with each facet of our lives and forms the core of the rich diversity of symbols in this world.

Intention, the motivation behind a thought, a word or deed, forms the key to the activation of geometrical forms and patterns.

Each geometrical form has a function and energy. Each form determines a boundery for the unbound and gives a framwork to all that is extremely complex. It is therefore a means to understand the way we perceive the reality and its structure. Geometrical forms are looked at in different ways, as something technical or structural, or emotional and inspiring. A good observation of the forms and universal geometrical models requires therefore a combination of logic, creativity and intuition. Try to think that forms and patterns stand for ideas and includes the essence of reality.

Geometry plays a crucial role in the micro and macro cosmos. All life contains the building blocks of geometry in itself. The five platonic bodies have sides, ribs and corners witch the same size. When a platonic body is placed in a ball all corners will touch the surface of the ball. They are called: hexahedron (cube) (earth), tetrahedron (fire), octahedron (air), icosahedron (water) and dodecahedron (ether). They are the basics of all structures.

Five platonic bodies

Cube of MetatronThe five platonic bodies originate from the first information system of the Fruit of life, the Cube of Metatron. These three dimensional objects can be formed out of the thirteen circles of the Cube of Metatron.

Besides these five elements there is a sixt element: emptiness (= the ball). These six elements are the building blocks of the universe and create the characteristics of the universe. The dodecahedron is located at the outer edge of the human energy field and is the highest form of consciousness. On microscopic level the dodecahedron and the icosahedron are the parameters which represent the ratio of DNA, the blueprint of life. The DNA-molecule is built from the duo relation of dodecahedron and icosahedron. The DNA-molecule is also to be considered as a rotating cube in a pattern of 72 degrees. This is also called the holy geometry behind the DNA.

Golden ratio

The Pi-ratio, the Fibonacci-numbers and the Golden Ratio are integrated in our own human body as in our surrounding elements, such as flowers, snail’s shells, architecture etc.

There is much more to be read in books and on the internet about this subject. Read for example the book of Karen L. French: Sacred Geometry of life and the books of Drunvalo Melchizedek about the geometry of creation. See his web site:
Also other scientists wrote about this and related subjects..

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